Annual MARC Meet – April 10 – 14, 2013

It was a beautiful beginning of the day as Butch Cornes pulled into my driveway to begin our trip to Charlotte, NC, for the MARC Membership Meeting. We set out on the great adventure.  Following procedure of always keeping an eye out for the car in your rear view mirror we proceeded to leave the Baltimore/Washington area. At first we were on very nice roads, but as we continued along the road got more narrow and then turned to dirt. Then it went down a hill and disappeared at a sign that said we were in a flood area. Lo and behold, the sign was correct. We faced a stream about 30 feet wide and about 8 to 10 inches deep. At this point we had to make a decision whether to ford the stream or turn around and find another road. We decided to try to ford the stream, so Ron jumped on the running board of Steve’s car to take pictures of the rest of the cars on their way through the stream. It was like being back in the ’30s with this experience.
Article by Bud Carroll, Photos by Ron Fayer

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