A huge thank you to Jeanette & Scotty and to all others that made this 2022 Model A picnic awesome.
Led by Dave Sturges, members of the Greater Baltimore Model A Ford Club visited St. Louis School in Clarksville MD. After Dave gave a brief introduction to the Model A Ford, the children visited with each car and car owner. A very nice morning
Norm Molter and I had the privilege of helping to judge the fine point cars at the Morgantown National Meet. The cars ranged from
unrestored original cars to the “best of the best”. Norm and I helped judge the engine compartments in the 17 cars and trucks
in this exclusive group of vehicles. A wonderful day!! Picts by Hunter Fanney and Gemma Kuijpers
Several club members and our cars visited the Brooke Grove Retirement Community in Olney Maryland on the afternoon of June 17th. Prior
to the Covid outbreak, Brooke Grove had only had a car show. During the two year Covid outbreak, they had only had the antique cars
touring around the campus and the residents would sit on the porches and watch the cars rolling by. This year’s event was a combination
of the tour and car show format. We made one lap around most of the campus and then parked our cars for about one hour for the more mobile
residents to look at and for us to sit and enjoy some hand dipped ice cream. The day was very hot and we all enjoyed the many fla-vors
of ice cream. Live music was provided by the Swing Time Big Band. Many thanks to the following club members for taking the time to
show the cars and share memories with the residents: Mike and Mary Grear, Dave and Laurie McLeish, Butch Cornes, Jon Miller, Milt Hartig,
Danny Godfrey and Steve Meyer. Dave Sturges